Where did Epic Fail Originate From?
Available at http://www.meetup.com/bham-gamers/files/, November 11th, 2006
This game,created a little over thirty years back, was a role playing game in which the player had to complete different various tasks. I found it quite interesting that if you rolled and the difficulty of your task was low that not only was it considered an epic failure, but your character in the game is expected to stab themselves in the eye and wear an eye patch as a constant reminder of their ineptitude.
This game would be wonderful if not only you were playing with somebody that you didn’t like, but if that person actually had to stab their eyeball out. Yeah, that’s right keep on staring so that I can get that other one out too o_X!
In another case it dates back to a Neo Geo arcade game called “Blazing Star.” It was produced in 1998 originally the sequel to another japanese shooter game called Pulstar. To be honest this game was mostly noted for its bad japanese to english translation. On this very informational website called Slate, they gave us the funny message that runs across your game screen when you complete a level it reads "You beat it! Your skill is great!" If you lose, you are mocked: "You fail it! Your skill is not enough! See you next time! Bye bye!
Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RheC1AHj1HA , July 11th 2010 In my head I can actually see people playing this game and next thing you know that ever so hurtful message flashes across the game screen. Everybody knew that their feelings were hurt!
Hurt FACE!!!! |
Available at http://superfunnyandcutebabies.blogspot.com/, Saturday, March 10th, 2012
Overall, I'm really confused by your post. I'm not sure what the topic is or focus of your idea. Could you be more specific about what you are talking about?
ReplyDeleteWhen I copied it from Google docs I left out a whole paragraph, but now everything is up to date and I even moved some things around.
DeleteI really liked your post. It was really funny. Towards the end I was a little confused but over all it was hilarious. Can't wait to read your next post!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above comments, I am still confused but I get where your'e heading at. Good job though, I'm sure it was difficult to approach.