Thursday, May 10, 2012

My Big Interview

I had the pleasure and permission of interviewing one of the greatest and funniest people in the world my brother, Octavious Hopper. He is a man of wisdom and he has some of the funniest stories to tell. Sadly, he finally moved out, so I had to hold the interview over the phone, but believe me, the story is just as funny as it would be in person.

What do you consider funny?

Him: When you laugh until you get stomach cramps and tears roll down your eyes.

Me: Like that time when we had that giant ice storm and you decided to go sledding in that plastic pool. Little did you know that you wouldn’t be able to stop the pool and you flew into the woods, which led to the stream. Ok, I’m getting distracted, so What is the biggest fail you ever made?  

Him: It was actually during that storm, I went outside to play in the ice and snow and I fell down the steps and slid into dads car.

Available at, December 6, 2010.
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Me: (Laughing) So, when were you going to tell me this happened?

Him: I wasn’t, but it’s about the funniest thing I could think of when you brought up the ice storm.

Me: Have you ever witnessed somebody else make an epic fail?

Him: Yeah, it was when mom put down that Mop and Glow down in the kitchen and you ran to answer the phone and you rolled into the kitchen table

Me: I knew you were going to say that, I shouldn’t have even asked that question.

I concluded my interview and thanked him for his time. After I was finished I sat there and thought  about all the funny fails and memories that happen in my everyday life. All I can say is WOW!

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